所在地 :北海道十勝地方
用途 :住宅
構造 :木造
規模 :174㎡
Ua値 :0.21w/㎡K
C値 :0.3c㎡/㎡
Photos taken by:Hiroshi Nagai
A Residence Harmonizing with the Nature of the Tokachi Region
The Tokachi region is renowned for its beautiful windbreak forests and expansive, lush landscapes. Designing a residence that maximizes the unique natural features of this area creates a harmonious living environment closely connected to nature. Below, we introduce the concept of building homes in harmony with the natural beauty of the Tokachi region.
Site Design that Embraces Nature
At the heart of the windbreak-enclosed site stand three symbolic trees (referred to as "Sanbon"), surrounded by a scattered arrangement of small structures ("Sanzai") that collectively create a distinctive landscape. The approach to the site is thoughtfully designed to lead visitors through the windbreak forest, gradually revealing the buildings and trees. This intentional progression builds anticipation and sets the stage for an engaging spatial experience.
Building Design Leveraging the Climate of the Tokachi Region
The Tokachi region is characterized by its relatively low snowfall and long hours of sunshine. Leveraging these advantages, the buildings feature triangular roofs ("Sankaku") equipped with solar panels, promoting the use of eco-friendly energy. Additionally, the structure is divided into three distinct spaces, each connected by transparent glass. This design fosters a sense of openness while seamlessly blending the living spaces with the surrounding natural environment.
A Lifestyle that Embodies Coexistence with Nature
Upon entering the foyer, the first sight that greets visitors is the three symbolic trees. These trees serve as the defining feature of the residence, allowing the inhabitants to experience their presence from various angles throughout their daily lives. This design encourages a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and the changing seasons. At times, the harsher aspects of nature are also felt, fostering a rich lifestyle intertwined with the natural world.